Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Nacho Libre Turns Calvinist

Greetings to all of my 1,000+ readers. Here's what's happening.......

Nacho Libre, written by those guys from Napoleon Dynamite, turns out to be clean, mostly pointless, but redeemable due to some awesome scenes wherein Jack Black demonstrates comedic genius.....worth the rent.

Chapel at Southern Seminary has been excellent. Last Tuesday, Andy Davis, NC pastor and occasional speaker at Founders events, spoke on ten aspects of the sovereignty of God / Christ from Matt.11:20-30, one of my absolute favorite texts of Scripture (last few vv). What a great message! I am reminded of what J. MacArthur has said - something to the effect that God's sovereignty (especially in salvation) is no harder to believe or any less clear than any other doctrine in Scripture; it's just that we don't want to believe it. Concerning this very text (Matt.11:25-30), Sinclair Ferguson has said that we should point believers to these very words of Jesus when they are trying to 'swallow' the doctrine of election. Jesus gives the most wide-open invitation to come of all time, immediately preceded by one of the most clear assertions of His sovereignty in salvation.
Yesterday, Don Whitney preached on the error of Rehoboam's ways in neglecting wise counsel. Whitney, as always, was eminently pastoral and practical. Very helpful message.

The Carolina Panthers are on the prowl - watch out.

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