Monday, April 06, 2020


Leeman might be in his wheelhouse with this one.  I wish his thesis was not so controversial.  Even if we disagree with him, could we not still long for and work for only having one service / assembly? 

Schreiner's endorsement: “Too often we don’t think about what it means to be a church or to do church together. Jonathan Leeman’s book, therefore, might shock our pragmatic and individualistic sensibilities. Still, Leeman makes an excellent case that the word church in the Scriptures means ‘assembly,’ and that two assemblies are by definition two churches. The matter is complex and people who love the Scriptures disagree, but I think Leeman’s case is the most plausible.”
Leeman, Jonathan (2020-03-26). One Assembly (9Marks) (Kindle Locations 22-25). Crossway. Kindle Edition.

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