Tuesday, June 18, 2019


**Crossway Church, my letter to you is in the next blog "down" from this one; it is not this entry.  
So, not every part of this video (below) had me "amen-ing" but I guarantee you some of it did.  Wow.  These two men articulate some of the things that I was thinking but couldn't fully give voice to.  So, maybe they're just actually having a big impact on me and creating new thoughts....well, yes, maybe.  But, mainly, I find myself resonating with a lot of what they say. 

- the problem is not "toxic masculinity";  the problem is a lack of biblical masculinity in the church
- we are talking a lot about women in leadership and how they are disenfranchised from serving, etc.  There was NO discussion of the role of motherhood amid these thoughts or of the wife being her husband's helper.  Let's stop talking about silly things like showing your sermon to a team of women before you bring it into the pulpit.  (would Spurgeon have ever even considered such a thing; talk it over with your wife, sure, and then play the man!) 
- President Greear's 3 panel discussions were a bit flawed right out of the gate.  When you get to frame the issues the way you want, people don't always realize what they are listening to and gladly accepting.  Nothing terrible, to be sure....but if you are a bit off, that will surely prove problematic not far down the road.  (when you find yourself way off track)  

Watch the video! (or just listen to the audio).... https://founders.org/interviews/tstt-sbc19-resolution-9-women-in-mission-mature-manhood-critical-race-theory/     SCROLL DOWN FOR THE VIDEO / AUDIO.  BOTH ARE AVAILABLE.

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